Monday, April 14, 2014

The Homeschooling Debate

Public school, private christian school, online school, homeschooling...its enough to make you dizzy!

Yes, we are currently having this debate in our home.  Which program is right for our children?  They have their own individual needs, so should they be placed in separate schools?   We have recently came to the conclusion that the traditional public school is no longer the place for our oldest (at least not for now).   But what is right for her, and for our middle daughter since she will be in Kindergarten in the 2014-2015 school year?  Is homeschooling right for our oldest child?  What about our middle child?  If so, which program (all the books, companies, co-op organizations, etc)?  My head is spinning with all of the information on the web pertaining to this subject.  We feel as through we have gathered all the necessary information.  We've attended on-line seminars, talked to parents who are in the trenches of homeschooling their children, attended meetings at private christian schools, looked into online schools, talked to a homeschooling counselor, and have even talked to adults who were home schooled since Kindergarten and now are productive members of our society.  I must say there is a huge debate as to the positives and negatives on taking children out of brick-&-mortar schools and into their own homes for a nurturing education.   From what I am reading,  families are entirely for or against keeping their children home and out of the trenches.  

As you can see, we are not taking this issue lightly.  We are fortunate enough to be able to live comfortably on one income (although there will be sacrifices).  We have always approached parenting as being selfless, while also not giving them everything.  We do this by putting our children's needs ahead of our careers.  We don't strive to have the biggest house, the fanciest vacations, or the newest vehicle on the market.  We strive to be there for them, & to protect their childhood by allowing them to be kids for as long as possible (which is difficult in today's hyper all-about-me society).  People allow their children to grow up too quickly, when their children may not be able to maturely handle situations.  Once the child has made this transition, they can never go back to being that care free kid again.  However, we also understand that we still need to be able to keep food on the table, a roof over our heads, and the lights on (which is why I currently am employed part time).  Parenting is hard!!  As we investigate, we have prayed.  Prayed for our little girl and for what is best for her. 

Anyway, I am not on here to give you my opinions on the subject (there's enough opinions from other parents online).  I am here to say I understand.  It's scarey and frustrating when it comes to your child and their education.  I understand that you only want what is best for your child and their situation, but seriously what is the best option for them???  If your child is struggling academically, socially, being bullied, etc, you are NOT alone.  Keep praying, you will find the answer!  We live in a society where parents have the power to decide, and there are many options available!  We have contacts in our area, and I am willing to share them with you. 

I do feel that we have come to the conclusion as to how our oldest child will be educated for her 3rd grade, but at this time were not set as to how our middle, an almost kindergartener, will receive her education.  Our school system has made changes to their Kindergarten Program, which we are not for, so now were praying and trying to figure out where she will receive her education.  

Our Easter projects hanging on our back door!