Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Many of our family ask why....why Africa

We choose Africa for many reason's.  Currently Ethiopia has 5 million orphans that are without parents to love them.  The majority of Africans still live in tribes, with grass homes (called Tukles).  They have no running water or electricity.  Ethiopia has a great need, and we are opening our hearts and home to make one less orphan.  The biggest reason that we are adopting from Ethiopia is because we are listening to God! We were called to adopt, just as God adopted us into his family! 

And anyone who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf is welcoming me.  Matthew 18:5

We didn't take this decision lightly, in fact we have been praying about this for 7 years, just waiting on His timing.  We have talked to the girls about this, making it a family decision, and they are ridiculously excited!  Our baby girls is out there, God will lead us to her!  

We do ask that our family and friends so something for us.  We ask you to pray.  Pray for the process, for the biological parents, and for the precious baby!   

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