Friday, December 28, 2012

A Sad Day for Russian Children

We learned today, from the news, that the Russian Government signed a bill banning Americans from adopting Russian babies.  It is a sad day for those families who are in the adoption process, and for the little ones sitting in an over crowded orphanage waiting on the Mommies & Daddies who will never come to take them home.  Our hearts break.

This is how unpredictable international adoption is.  Praying that Ethiopia keeps their adoption open so babies can find loving, forever homes. 

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas Everyone!  This year due to adoption expenses we decided to not get each other gifts.  We also bought less for our three little ladies.  2 of our girls understood (one was too little and 3 gifts for her was perfect).  Our six and four year old girls were troopers!  They thoroughly enjoyed the crafty items they received and the Connect 4 game! It is amazing how excited they are, and how much they are willing to sacrifice, for a little sister that they have never met!

We were so busy with family on Christmas Eve, that we did not check the mailbox.  To our surprise as we stopped at the box on Christmas evening, before pulling into the drive, was our much anticipated I-171H form!!  This is the form we have prayed about, and have been disappointed each day when we check the mail and it wasn't there.  We are now pre-approved to bring an orphan into the United States!!  This is our Christmas gift.  We were both blessed with what we really step closer to our girl!!  What a perfect Christmas gift for our family! Happy Birthday Jesus!!

We are so close to being done with the paper chasing part of our adoption!  Next step is getting two documents authenticated! 

Thank you for all of your prayers and support!  We still have a long way to go before we are able to travel to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia to meet our baby girl!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Holiday Shopping

As we are in the middle of our holiday shopping for family & friends, please remember that there are many organizations that give back! There are some awesome non-profits out there, if you take some time to research to learn what they do and what products you can purchase for gifts.  It's a great opportunity to help an organization and put a smile on someone's face with a gift.  Here are a few of our favorites....

To Write Love on Her Arms:        
A non-profit to help those struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury, & suicide.  Check them out, they have awesome apparel!  

International Princess Project:              
A non-profit to help organizations that helps women in India who were trapped in the sex trade. This organization provides a way for the women to support themselves with skill & dignity.  They have super adorable pajamas! 

The Restoration Initiative:
Help those get out of Human trafficking.  They have great jewelry! Check them out!

Amazima ministries:
It helps the Masese people from Uganda, Africa. Their main goal is to help with food, education, bible study, and vocation with dignity.  This great organization helps families by teaching women how to make jewelry, which takes women out of prostitution.   It also helps take children out trash dumps where they search for items to sell on the streets for money to buy food to help parents.  The children are able to obtain an education to stop the cycle.  The ministry also helps pay for the school tuition so parents don't have to!  They sell the women's hand-made jewelry!  This is one of my absolute favorite organizations/ministries, so check them out and buy some beautiful necklaces & bracelets today!!  Also, if you haven't read Katie's book!!

Bring Love In:
This organization (as well as Amazima) is close to my heart because they help the beautiful people in Africa!  Bring Love In helps widows and orphaned children in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia by bringing the two together and making beautiful family units!  This community organization provides loving homes where there needs are met.  Its a beautiful organization where they can keep the orphans in their own culture while giving them a loving Mama to care for them in a beautiful community!  They teach the ladies about God and how to be a good parent.  Check out their shirts,autographed books, and new Christmas ornaments (they rock)!!  You also have to read Levi's book!! 

There are a ton of other great organizations, so please check them out this holiday season.  Family members, just be expecting something from a cause that gives back!!  If you have a favorite, please feel free to share in comments!  I would love to hear about the organizations that are close to your heart.

Also  wanted to report that nothing new is happening with our adoption.  Were currently waiting on the USCIS (United States Citizen  & Immigration Services) approval.  Once we receive this we will be approved to bring an orphan into the United States!  We still have to get a couple documents authenticated before our dossier is completed, but we are definitely making progress!!  Keep praying for our baby and safety of the birth mama!

Merry Christmas!!  Thanks for supporting our family through prayers!