Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas Everyone!  This year due to adoption expenses we decided to not get each other gifts.  We also bought less for our three little ladies.  2 of our girls understood (one was too little and 3 gifts for her was perfect).  Our six and four year old girls were troopers!  They thoroughly enjoyed the crafty items they received and the Connect 4 game! It is amazing how excited they are, and how much they are willing to sacrifice, for a little sister that they have never met!

We were so busy with family on Christmas Eve, that we did not check the mailbox.  To our surprise as we stopped at the box on Christmas evening, before pulling into the drive, was our much anticipated I-171H form!!  This is the form we have prayed about, and have been disappointed each day when we check the mail and it wasn't there.  We are now pre-approved to bring an orphan into the United States!!  This is our Christmas gift.  We were both blessed with what we really wanted...one step closer to our girl!!  What a perfect Christmas gift for our family! Happy Birthday Jesus!!

We are so close to being done with the paper chasing part of our adoption!  Next step is getting two documents authenticated! 

Thank you for all of your prayers and support!  We still have a long way to go before we are able to travel to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia to meet our baby girl!


  1. Such a WONDERFUL Christmas blessing!!!

    1. Thanks Brandy! It was the best present we could have gotten! Thanks for commenting, its nice knowing some our of friends are still following!! Have a wonderful New Year!
