Saturday, February 9, 2013

Where is adoption going?

We received an email yesterday afternoon from Christian World Adoption (our adoption agency out of North Carolina) announcing their closure immediately.  WHAT!?!  What is going on with our country that a great christian organization that is doing God's work cannot keep their doors open....
  • Less American's are adopting, it has dropped 64% in the last 10 years, which is sad because there are more orphans in the world than ever before.
  • Adoption is taking longer than ever before, the wait time for China is now 5 years, where a few years ago it was just a few months (people are not wanting to wait this long to add to their family & it takes a lot of time and extra money to keep with with paperwork before it expires).
  • The world of adoption is unpredictable.  Many countries have changed their policies or closed over the years (just as Russia recently announced).  There are few countries willing to cooperate with the Hague Requirements.
  • Adoption is expensive....$30,000 to $60,000 depending on country and travel requirements.  OUCH!  We do not have this money laying around, as the majority of American's.  So do they increase the price and risk even less people to adopt??  Something needs to change, and fast.
Our agency referred us to continue the process with Illiens Adoption International, however it needs to be approved by the MoWCY (since all of our paperwork has Christian World Adoption as our agency).  

Please pray that the MoWCY (Ministry of Women Children Youth Affair) approves changing agencies without changing paperwork, pray for a smooth transition, and please continue to pray for funding.  We are basically stuck until we get a few thousand more.  Thanks everyone!!

Our most recent art project that is taped all over our back door.  Seriously, we have at least 6 on our door!  It brings in some color during our dreary Ohio winter, and is a constant reminder of where our little girl is.  All 3 girls had a great time making colorful Africa's on a cold, snowy afternoon!

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to give everyone a quick update~

    Were in the process of figuring out which agency to change to. We've sent out some emails and made a few calls and were trying to collect as much info to make an informed decision.

    Were still going to adopt, this is just hiccup number two that were facing. Were not giving up, were still going to bring our baby girl home!!! We just need to figure out which paperwork needs to be updated with our new agency's name (once we decide) and then get out dossier authenticated....again.
