Friday, March 29, 2013

Happy Easter

Today is Good Friday, and we praise Jesus for what He did for us this day!  We quietly celebrate, and mourn what Jesus had to endure so we are able to ask forgiveness for our sins and still get into Heaven! 

This morning I sat around the kitchen table and told our three ladies the Easter Resurrection story.  Amazingly, two of our beauties knew the story, were able to tell me what a sin is, how to ask for forgiveness, & that Jesus died on a cross for us.  Our oldest (age 7) even knew that today, Good Friday, is the day that Jesus died on the cross, and that Easter is the day he rose from the dead!  They have been paying attention in Sunday School!!  After our lesson, we placed our resurrection plant in water, and are watching it come back to life.  They are intrigued that something so brown & brittle is transforming and coming back to life!  This is what our family does for Good Friday!  We have never talked of the Easter Bunny, we don't want to take the glory away from the true meaning of this holiday.  The world does a great job by itself of selling this idea to our children.  What do you do on this truly important day?

                                       (the plant is closed tightly, and looks like straw)

Wishing you and your loved ones a Happy Easter!  May everyone grasp the true meaning, and accept God into their lives!

            (It's hard to see with the little heads in the way, but the plant is green & getting bigger!)

And He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness; for by His wounds you were healed. ~1 Peter 2:24

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