Friday, November 8, 2013


 Our gorgeous seven year old recently started wearing glasses.  This news that she needed them to help her see at school was devastating to her self-esteem.  Throughout her entire life she has wrestled with looking different because God blessed her at birth with a bright red hemangioma on her forehead.  No hiding it there!  Children at daycare use to point at it when she was two and say, "ouchy" at the very noticeable spot.  In Kindergarten she was teased on the bus because her "head looked different"  even though the redness had almost completely left, and the swelling of the capillaries had shrunk by 90%.  Even at five, she was learning that the world is not always a friendly place outside of home.  

So, needing glasses is a big deal to her.  To her it meant another reason that she is unlike her classmates in the second grade (doesn't everyone just want to fit in and be friends with everyone at this age).  She was scared that it could make her vulnerable for more teasing.  Our beautiful girl has learned about negative and hurtful people that are in this world, at such a young age.  

The truth is that we don't know why God blessed her with her hemangioma or glasses.  We do know that it does not change her beauty, and it does not change the sweet girl that is on the inside.  We are positive that she is going through this for a reason, and our beautiful and smart girl will use it for good someday.  

Keep rocking the glasses sweet girl, you are gorgeous just the way God made you!!

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