Sunday, December 8, 2013

Welcome December!

December has definitely hit the mid west!  I have a love/hate relationship with the snow.  It is beautiful & sparkly when the sunlight hits it.  Snow makes everything look clean and new.   My favorite part of snow is the surprise snow days where our oldest is suppose to be in school but gets to stay home due to weather.  We play outside in the fluffy, cold, white stuff all day!  However, my car is freezing in the mornings, and it is not fun scraping snow and ice from windows.  Buckling a two year old into her car seat with a big puffy coat on it not fun.  The worse part of winter is driving when the roads are covered in inches of the stuff!  Like I said, it's a love/hate relationship! 

I have been pretty quiet on the blog lately simply because there is nothing going on with our adoption.  In a couple months we will begin the process of updating our home study and apply for another biometrics appointment with USCIS (these documents expire).  Other than that, as I have reported for months, we are waiting.  Waiting and praying.....and playing in the snow with our lovely ladies!  Enjoy the snow pictures of our latest snow adventures!  

Our girls love throwing snowballs at our Dakota girl, who jumps in the air to catch them!  I think Dakota has as much fun trying to catch them as the girls who throw them for her! Midwest winter fun!

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