Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Prayers are working!

School is officially in full swing at our house, which means early mornings, bus riding, and homework.  It was rough getting into the homework routine.  The girls have always been morning people, so waking up is not an issue.  The only change is we can't relax in our jammies for awhile before eating breakfast.  Now have to get up and get ready right away.  So far, second grade and preschool are going great!

First day of 2nd grade & first day of preschool!
Thank you everyone for praying for our family!  We just heard from our caseworker, and the referral list is moving once again!  God is so good, and each day of waiting we are getting closer to her!  

 Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.~Hebrews 11:1


  1. They are so sweet!! So wonderful to hear that both ladies are enjoying their first weeks of school.

    1. They are loving school. I can't believe that we have two girls who are big enough for school. I must have blinked, there is no way my babies are 7, 5, & 2 1/2 ;)
