Friday, August 9, 2013

Goodbye Summer, Here Comes School

Summer is coming to an end to quickly for me.  School begins in about 2 weeks.  Lately we are busy preparing to return to school.  Talking about the new grade, checking out the new teacher's picture, shopping for supplies, etc.  This year, we now have a preschooler and a second grader (ouch)!  It is so exciting watching our ladies grow bigger, but I also struggle with letting them go.  It makes me wonder as they are getting more outside influence if we have instilled proper values in them.  Have we used our time together wisely?  As we are purchasing school  supplies for two ladies, I am praying that they make good choices.  Praying that their friends are positive influences on them.  Praying that our two little sweet girls won't get crushed by someone who is mean and inappropriate.  Letting go is hard, as I want to protect their innocence for as long as possible.  

In the mean time, we are making the most out of the time we have left by just being together, going to our favorite parks, libraries, and with great friends!  We just don't have enough evening time during the school year to do these things during the week because of homework and life.

Sweet little feet with pink toes.

We limit our children's screen time in our house, our girls get sucked into the shows and literally do not move until the tv is turned off.  However, lately before bed we have been letting them watch great video's to help them relax and learn about the bible.  I would highly recommend purchasing the series, Buck Denver asks...What's in the Bible?  There great 30 minute episodes that teaches children what is in each book from the bible.  I have to admit, I am learning right along with our girls! 

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