Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Today is the day that I will be visiting FedEx to ship out all the required paperwork to update our biometrics.  Yes, it is time to visit the little USCIS office in Columbus again that will make sure our background is clear to bring a child into the United States.  The first time we made this trip we were excited about the possibilities of adding to our family, this time we are uncertain if adding to our family will happen but were not giving up.  

We are praying that Ethiopia will remain open to international adoption, and that the Children In Families First passes soon (this will take UNICEF out of the equation when it comes to adoption).  Don't get me wrong, UNICEF does some great things to help children.  However, when they discourage international adoptions and encourage orphanages to not complete paperwork that will allow the child to be placed for adoption, there is something wrong.  Children need forever families, not a life sentence to living in an orphanage.   Have you contacted your senator to raise awareness yet?

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