Monday, January 27, 2014


January in Ohio is notorious for cold, ice, wind, and snow.  This year, we have had an abundance of all four.  Normally we love winter, but this year the weather has kept us indoors.  When the temperature drops in the negative degrees and the wind is blowing hard,  it is too cold to play in the fluffy, white, drifts of snow.   The girls look  longingly outside wanting to make footprints in the untouched snow, make forts out of the enormous drifts that are in our back yard, and make friendly snow people.  This will need to wait.  There is a point when even with all the warm snow gear we have, it is just not safe for a 2, 5, & 7 year old to be outside for an extended time of play.  

As of right now, Ethiopia is still opened to international adoptions.  Cases are still going through court, just very slowly.  New referrals are still nonexistent at this time, but praying for a miracle.  Right now we are stuck.  Stuck sitting without a referral, unable to move onto the next phase of adoption with no end in site.  For a while this has caused an array of emotions (this waiting has really gotten to me lately).  But were clinging tightly to God.  If we were meant to adopt He is the only one who is going to be able to make this happen. 

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