Saturday, February 1, 2014

Not Stopping

We received confirmation that Ethiopia will NOT be stopping intercountry adoptions at this time!  What amazing news for our family!  This means that once we receive a referral, we will be able to move along and get the paperwork completed for the PAIR (Pre-Adoption Immigration Review) process.  It is just another step in the process which went into effect September, 2013.  So, as we are still waiting on a referral, we have a glimmer of hope that one day we will bring our fourth child home from Ethiopia.  

Please pray that the process begins to speed up now that the Ethiopian Government has made the choice to keep their international adoption program open.  Please continue to pray for UNICEF (that they stop interfering with paperwork so more children can get referred which will bring them closer to going home to their forever families), and pray for all of the babies and children who are stuck in the orphanage.  I cannot imagine what they are going through.  Please pray that the kids are safe, fed, and that one day (hopefully soon) they will go home to a loving and forever family. 

The weather FINALLY warmed up a bit, so we were able to get outside to play in the fun fluffy white stuff!!

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