Friday, May 24, 2013

Yeah for Summer Break!!

Yesterday was our oldest daughter's last day of first grade!  I am both excited that she is growing up and becoming an awesome big kid, but at the same time it makes me sad.  There is only so  much parents can do to protect their young one's innocence of the world, and we fully believe that our job is to protect our children's innocents as all to quickly they will learn about the troubles of the world and the rudeness/bullying of others.  Childhood is short, and once the innocence is lost, it is gone forever.  If the innocence is gone too early, children can fall into adult situations without the mature knowledge to help themselves out of it.  I am not saying that parents need to protect children against everything, after all we do live in a world full of sin.   We have had many discussions about people in the world who try to take or harm young ones & what to do in emergencies.  The only thing we can do is try to protect them, and pray.    Pray with all of your heart for your children.  

There are some great books out there that are a must read for those of you who have little girls who are growing up.....

**Six ways to keep the little in your girl, by Dannah Gresh
**The One Year Mother daughter Devo, by Dannah Gresh
**5 conversations you MUST have with your daughter by Vicki Courtney
     (all of the books by Dannah Gresh are awesome and worth reading)
**88 Great Daddy-Daughter Dates by Rob & Joanna Teigen

Our oldest is just seven, and there are several other books that I am planning on reading this summer.   Check them out, there worth your time.  If you have read a great book along this topic, please share.  Thanks everyone for following along!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Winning the 1st Grade Hermie Lottery!

Our oldest was one of three winners of the first grade hermit crab lottery!  Not only does she get to keep all 5 (that's right, not just one), but all the required necessities to go with them!  Oh, what a happy day to add new members to our family!  She is so excited, while our other two are a little nervous of these strange animals!  It's going to be a fun summer...

What crazy creatures God created, and our little ladies are loving them!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Going down!

So, I couldn't wait any longer.  Our caseworker told us that at anytime we are curious to email her, and she will let us know our place on the waiting for a referral list.  I've been trying very hard to only bothering her once a month, but the wait was getting to me.  It's just short of a month, but I just had to know. We are now number...

Our pretty girl who LOVES sunglasses
Not to bad! Finally down to single digits!  It was only one spot, but it's one spot closer to our goal of bringing our sweet girl home!!

We were discussing all the changes the other day, and came to the conclusion that we are probably farther along right now, than if CWA hadn't closed their doors and forced us to find a new agency (God is good)!  We are loving our agency! They love the children of Africa, are completely honest, and quick at getting things done!!!  CCI, You ROCK!!!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Happy Mother's Day Everyone

Tomorrow is Mother's Day.  The day in the USA when we celebrate ALL mothers. A day full of sleeping in , homemade cards from young children, and yummy gooey chocolatey deserts!  Today, as I sit back and watch our three gorgeous ladies play and giggle together I am happy with what the Lord has blessed me with, but something also feels missing. It has been one month since we have hit number ten on our agencies referral list, and now we sit and wait, as there has not been any changes.

Adoption is hard, you have no control over how the birth mama care for herself.  Is  she getting regular medical check ups, and takes her daily vitamins?  This is usually not the case in Ethiopia.  It is hard wondering if she's getting enough healthy foods for the growing baby,  and wondering if she has access to safe & clean drinking water.  This is where faith & praying come in.  I pray and pray for our birth Mama & our future baby.  

May all the mother's in the world feel loved.  Reach out to all of the mother figures in your life and show them how special & loved they are.  We don't show this as often as we should. 

Mother's Day Poem with our girls hand prints!
                                   Happy Mother's Day Everyone!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Fasika (Easter)

This Sunday (05/05/13) is Fasika (the day Christian Ethiopian's celebrate Easter)!   It's awesome to think that individuals all over the world love God and celebrate His death & resurrection!  Praying that our birth Mama is a Christian, and is celebrating this holiday.

Our two year old

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Some Great Talks

We have had several great discussions with our two oldest ladies (now ages 4 & 7) over the past year about adoption, orphans, & God.  I am in awe at how big their hearts are, and their love for God. 

As we were talking today, I asked the two of them to each write one word about how they feel about adoption.  Here is what there responses were...... how happy this makes me!  Sometimes I think our girls have a better understanding about adoption & orphans than some adults in the world!  Happy spring everyone!!  Praying that all of the orphans in the world find homes with such awesome siblings!  You girls ROCK!! 
Our 4 year old!
Our 7 year old!