Saturday, May 11, 2013

Happy Mother's Day Everyone

Tomorrow is Mother's Day.  The day in the USA when we celebrate ALL mothers. A day full of sleeping in , homemade cards from young children, and yummy gooey chocolatey deserts!  Today, as I sit back and watch our three gorgeous ladies play and giggle together I am happy with what the Lord has blessed me with, but something also feels missing. It has been one month since we have hit number ten on our agencies referral list, and now we sit and wait, as there has not been any changes.

Adoption is hard, you have no control over how the birth mama care for herself.  Is  she getting regular medical check ups, and takes her daily vitamins?  This is usually not the case in Ethiopia.  It is hard wondering if she's getting enough healthy foods for the growing baby,  and wondering if she has access to safe & clean drinking water.  This is where faith & praying come in.  I pray and pray for our birth Mama & our future baby.  

May all the mother's in the world feel loved.  Reach out to all of the mother figures in your life and show them how special & loved they are.  We don't show this as often as we should. 

Mother's Day Poem with our girls hand prints!
                                   Happy Mother's Day Everyone!

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