Friday, May 24, 2013

Yeah for Summer Break!!

Yesterday was our oldest daughter's last day of first grade!  I am both excited that she is growing up and becoming an awesome big kid, but at the same time it makes me sad.  There is only so  much parents can do to protect their young one's innocence of the world, and we fully believe that our job is to protect our children's innocents as all to quickly they will learn about the troubles of the world and the rudeness/bullying of others.  Childhood is short, and once the innocence is lost, it is gone forever.  If the innocence is gone too early, children can fall into adult situations without the mature knowledge to help themselves out of it.  I am not saying that parents need to protect children against everything, after all we do live in a world full of sin.   We have had many discussions about people in the world who try to take or harm young ones & what to do in emergencies.  The only thing we can do is try to protect them, and pray.    Pray with all of your heart for your children.  

There are some great books out there that are a must read for those of you who have little girls who are growing up.....

**Six ways to keep the little in your girl, by Dannah Gresh
**The One Year Mother daughter Devo, by Dannah Gresh
**5 conversations you MUST have with your daughter by Vicki Courtney
     (all of the books by Dannah Gresh are awesome and worth reading)
**88 Great Daddy-Daughter Dates by Rob & Joanna Teigen

Our oldest is just seven, and there are several other books that I am planning on reading this summer.   Check them out, there worth your time.  If you have read a great book along this topic, please share.  Thanks everyone for following along!

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