Saturday, June 1, 2013

New Number!

We just found out yesterday from our awesome caseworker that we are officially lower on their referral list.  

We are now number..........

Waiting, waiting, waiting to be a big sister again

In every single adoption, there is always a significant loss for the child.  For the little one that we have yet to find (but already love), her's will be from loosing her biological parents and also loosing her culture.  In order for her to become our daughter, her biological parents need to make this selfless choice because of poverty (not able to feed or clothe her) or because of disease.  We have been praying for these lovely biological parents, and the selfless choice they will have to make to provide our beauty a better life.  This little girl is loved by people in both Ethiopia, and in the United States, and we are getting so excited to meet her!