Friday, June 21, 2013

Welcome Summer!

Life has been a flurry of activities now that all three girls are home all day, and I am enjoying every minute of it!  I am balancing working part time, spending quality time with our girls, continuing with summer homework (yes we are those parents who have their children do school work during summer break, even our preschooler is not exempt from this), and somewhere in the middle of all of this the housework....phew!  I truly believe that when the girls are grown they will not remember that their mama kept a clean house, they will remember how much quality time their parents spent with them.  I struggle with this, as I love our girls, but I also love having a very clean house. Our girls come first, so I have resorted to getting up before the girls to get a few things done & have quiet time with God.

Since today is the first day of summer, we spent the entire morning at the park!  Our girls are naturally early risers (up at 6:30am seven days a week), so we were ready for our day and at the park having fun before 8am!  I have to admit that I would love for them to sleep in, but it was kind of cool being at the huge park practically by ourselves watching the birds, going for a long hike, and playing on the numerous playground equipment!  What a blessed day it has been!  

To give you an update about our adoption, nothing has changed.  We are still #7 on the referral list, and trying to come up with fund raising ideas for the next phase (referral fee & traveling expenses).  If anyone has suggestions, please let us know! 

Psalm 37:Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. (NIV)

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