Friday, June 21, 2013

Welcome Summer!

Life has been a flurry of activities now that all three girls are home all day, and I am enjoying every minute of it!  I am balancing working part time, spending quality time with our girls, continuing with summer homework (yes we are those parents who have their children do school work during summer break, even our preschooler is not exempt from this), and somewhere in the middle of all of this the housework....phew!  I truly believe that when the girls are grown they will not remember that their mama kept a clean house, they will remember how much quality time their parents spent with them.  I struggle with this, as I love our girls, but I also love having a very clean house. Our girls come first, so I have resorted to getting up before the girls to get a few things done & have quiet time with God.

Since today is the first day of summer, we spent the entire morning at the park!  Our girls are naturally early risers (up at 6:30am seven days a week), so we were ready for our day and at the park having fun before 8am!  I have to admit that I would love for them to sleep in, but it was kind of cool being at the huge park practically by ourselves watching the birds, going for a long hike, and playing on the numerous playground equipment!  What a blessed day it has been!  

To give you an update about our adoption, nothing has changed.  We are still #7 on the referral list, and trying to come up with fund raising ideas for the next phase (referral fee & traveling expenses).  If anyone has suggestions, please let us know! 

Psalm 37:Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. (NIV)

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Our Ethiopian Princesses!

We have notice that there are not many African Princesses on store shelves these days.  We were in pursuit of dolls, books, or toys which have African children.  In our family, both Ethiopia & princesses are equally important (we have three girls and the oldest is 7).  So, we can up with our own version of Ethiopian Princesses...

This is how we are passing the time during the excruciating process of waiting.  We are reading many kid books, having great age-appropriate discussions, and dreaming of the day when she is home (only God knows who she is, where she is, and when she will be able to come home).   Praying this day comes soon!

Yet those who wait for the LORD Will gain new strength; They will mount up with wings like eagles, They will run and not get tired, They will walk and not become weary.~ Isaiah 40:31

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Black Soap

As we are waiting for our girl, I have been conducting research on Ethiopian skin.  My goal was to find out which cleansers and oils would be the best for her skin during our Ohio winters, but one that the entire family could use as well.  I know, it's a tall order with the white-as-white Caucasian skin, and beautiful coffee with a little cream skin.  Each time I would try to Google "Natural Skin Care", or "Ethiopian Skin Care" something called Black Soap would come up.  Since it came up every single time, I thought maybe this stuff was worth investigating. 

I learned a ton about Black Soap.  It is called this not because of the color, but because when African slaves were brought to our country it was the soap that "the blacks" would use.  The ingredients are all natural (if you buy it from a reputable  business and not a local drug store), nourishing, helps with acne & eczema, and good for all skin types....score!  

After a couple months of investigating, I found this great site that makes unrefined, natural soaps, oils, and butters.  The awesome part is that it is made in a community in Ghana, Africa.  This is the part I love....not only are the products natural, but it is also giving a small community in Africa with jobs!    What an amazing company that I am proud to tell people about!  The company also sells products not made in Africa, but as for now I would like our little Ethiopian cleansing with natural ingredients from her country.  Check it out the web site here:

I will admit, I was nervous to try the unrefined Shea Butter, Grapeseed oil, & Black Soap on myself.  Our 7 year old actually said, "keep that yucky stuff away from me" (we were used to the creamy, fruity smelling stuff, which is NOT natural).   Well, after a few weeks of it in our home, our entire family loves the products, and the oil is actually the most popular product!  Our skin has never been so healthy and soft!  Something I would highly recommend.  

Next I'll be investigating hair, which shampoo/conditioners to use.  If anyone has a great product that they love, please let me know. 

Saturday, June 1, 2013

New Number!

We just found out yesterday from our awesome caseworker that we are officially lower on their referral list.  

We are now number..........

Waiting, waiting, waiting to be a big sister again

In every single adoption, there is always a significant loss for the child.  For the little one that we have yet to find (but already love), her's will be from loosing her biological parents and also loosing her culture.  In order for her to become our daughter, her biological parents need to make this selfless choice because of poverty (not able to feed or clothe her) or because of disease.  We have been praying for these lovely biological parents, and the selfless choice they will have to make to provide our beauty a better life.  This little girl is loved by people in both Ethiopia, and in the United States, and we are getting so excited to meet her!