Saturday, April 20, 2013

Referral Update!

So, where are we with the referral number you ask?  First, I just wanted to clarify that once we receive a referral it doesn't mean that they are our child until we attend & pass our court appointment in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.  Only then will the child be officially ours!  Unfortunately, even though they are officially ours we will be required to leave them at the orphanage until their paperwork is completed (birth certificate & passport). Only then we will be able to travel back to Addis Ababa to bring our beauty home! 

So, to answer your question, our girls were scavenging around the house in an attempt to cleverly update you with our current referral number.  This is what they came up with......
A Boom Whacker & Spiky Ball
Daddy's Shaving Cream

M&M's~ they were disappointed I didn't let them eat all of them
Yummy & Healthy Apples!!

Great job ladies!  Very creative!  Hopefully soon we will be out of the double digits!  Please keep praying that we receive our referral soon, and that we get a court date quickly!  

This week we have been spending a lot of time with our favorite Ethiopian American little friend and his family.  Makes me miss our little Ethiopian girl.  Praying for our friends.  They are out of their house, & moved into an apartment.  Both parents have now quit their jobs, and are getting ready to spend the month of May at Missionary training in Colorado.  We will miss them while they are gone.  We love you guys!!  

They are still in need of monthly donations to make their move to Ethiopia possible.  Please consider a monthly donation to a great family and an awesome cause. Don't forget to watch the video that I posted on04/08/2013.

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