Wednesday, April 24, 2013



Stuck is a documentary that advocates for orphans.

A MUST watch documentary that will open your eyes to international adoption & the orphans around the world.  It is currently on tour through out the United States.  If you missed it in your area, you can buy it for $12.99.  Get your closest friends together, grab a box of tissues, and download the documentary.  You will have great discussions after.  I'll guarantee that it will change the way you feel about international adoption.

Please check out the free trailer and/or download the documentary here:

Nothing new is going on with our adoption, just waiting on our number to lower.  Please continue to pray for the millions of orphans world wide.  I wish that our family could do more than adopting just one.  We have been praying how our little family can help the nation's orphans.  If we are going to help the world's orphans,we have to do it through our action.  Please pray about opening your own home to another child through adoption, or please help a family who is currently in the process.  Every child deserves a loving, forever family, and it takes multiple people to bring one home.  


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