Monday, April 8, 2013

The Crisis in Ethiopia

Currently there are 84.7 Million native people living in Ethiopia.  35 Million Ethiopians live on $100.00 or less each year.  OUCH!

How do we help the beautiful people of Ethiopia?  By making monthly donations to those who are completing mission work in the country.  We have close friends who have quit their jobs, sold their house, and will be taking missions training in May so they can listen to God's calling and serve the people of Ethiopia.  To help stop the cycle, they will be helping children attend school (as I have said in a previous blog school is expensive, most parents are unable to afford school fee's,  and it is not mandatory).  They will be there for a minimum of two years.  

Why should we help?  First of all, God created EVERYONE in His own image (Genesis 1:27).  Everyone is important & precious to God!  Second, we are to love with all your heart, with all your understanding and with all your strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself (Mark 12:33).  Third, that is where our little girls is from, and it is so important to help her biological family.  Basically God tells us to help the poor & needy.  

Please prayerfully consider helping our friends with a monthly donation for the next two years.  Please understand that mission work is not paid employment, the missionaries are required to find their own funding.    If interested in knowing more, please email, facebook me, text me, or respond to the blog.  We are on their sending team, and can answer all of your questions.  

With your help, they can be God's hands & feet!  Copy & paste the following You Tube video. It's a short documentary  of the conditions of Korah, which are the Ethiopians they will be serving.  It is well worth your time.

1 comment:

  1. To follow-up with the blog, they will be working with Project 61. Check out their website at:

    A few have asked about the hand picture on the right. One of the hands is our youngest daughter (she was 6 about months old at the time), and the other hand is our awesome friend's son (he was about 8 months old). We have been blessed with their friendship, and will miss them when they move.
