Friday, April 19, 2013

What is going on??

Tonight is a big night for all the little girls in our area.....THE PRINCESS BALL!  It is an evening full of wearing frilly dresses, going out to a nice diner, and dancing with the man all little girls look up to...their daddies!  Tonight, Mama is thrilled because Daddy will be taking two of his princesses!  What a great date night to show little girls how special & precious they are to God & to their daddy! 

While I am laying out sweet dresses, adorable pink shoes, and little white panty hose (it's a chilly Ohio evening), I began thinking of the awful things that have been happening in this great country we call home.  We live in a country where there is plenty of food, running water, and electricity.  We do not have child soldiers, parents don't typically abandon their children on the streets to fend for themselves at a tender age, and there is not a ravening war in the country.  Our infant mortality rate is relatively low, and our country has access to some of the latest life saving medicine.  God has truly blessed us, when many countries go without.  With all of this to our advantage, why are people so angry that they want to kill random, innocent people?  What has happened to these individuals that they have so little regard to human lives?  Was it the way they were raised, the lack of God in their lives, or something medical?  This I just do not understand, and it makes me very scared for our daughter's futures.  Please pray that this nonsense stops. 

He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the foreigner residing among you, giving them food and clothing ~Deuteronomy 10:18

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